Save the Date 107th Friendship Meeting
Save the Date107th Friendship Meeting in Japan 2025 Registration under sekretariat@bierconvent.info

Save the DATE: 106th International Friendship Meeting in Bamberg
Save the DATE: 106th International Friendship Meeting in Bamberg. From May 09 to 12, 2024 (Thursday to Sunday)…

BierConvent International in Vienna: Reforms heralded
Becoming more attractive for young beer lovers and potential beer promoters, growing across national borders and networking more closely in politics and business – these were the resolutions adopted by BierConvent International (BCI) at its 104th International Friendship Meeting in Vienna.
The supporting program of the BCI trip to the Austrian capital…

Bierconvent International e. V. (BCI) honors traditional brewery Pott’s
The traditional brewery Pott’s from Oelde has received the 2023/24 Honorary Award from Bierconvent International e. V. (BCI). The award was presented at an autumn meeting of the BCI Chapter NRW, Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.

Four days in Brünn in the fall
This year’s short fall trip took the members of BierConvent International to the Czech Republic’s secret capital of enjoyment
Brno showed the participants of the BCI’s 2023 fall trip its best side. A varied program, good food and a lively exchange ensured that the four days flew by.

New Year’s Reception of the BCI in Cologne
On 26.1.2023 the BCI in Klön invited to a New Year’s reception in the Wappensaal of the Brauhaus FRÜH. Our notable president Pia Kollmar and our notable friend Larsen Lüngen welcomed some notable members from the region NRW & Rheinland Pfalz as well as some guests around the topic beer and BCI.

A weekend among friends in Florence
The 105th friendship meeting of BierConvent International was also a complete success. Tuscan art and culture, excellent food and a lively exchange of ideas awaited the participants at the 105th BierConvent International e.V. friendship meeting in Florence.
Florence is always worth a visit. The 45 participants at this year’s friendship meeting of BierConvent International e.V. (BCI) can only confirm this…

New Year’s Reception of the BCI in Cologne
On 26.1.2023 the BCI in Klön invited to a New Year’s reception in the Wappensaal of the Brauhaus FRÜH. Our notable president Pia Kollmar and our notable friend Larsen Lüngen welcomed some notable members from the region NRW & Rheinland Pfalz as well as some guests around the topic beer and BCI…

Second newsletter sponsor:
Father and son of SAHM GmbH
SAHM GmbH & Co. KG is one of the world’s leading suppliers of glasses for the beverage industry. Cologne-born Wilfried Geissler-Sahm, who has spent much…

Interesting start of the year of the BCI-BaWü Chapter at the Biersomeliere Vannes Pantodis in Ludwigsburg.
On Monday evening, experienced beer drinkers from the ranks of the BCI and interested no less experienced, met for our first event in 2023 in the Bierothek and Tasting Location #hoparoundtheworld25. We started with an…

Mourning of our BCI – Honorary MemberProf. em. Ludwig Narziß
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Narziß was a fascinating man and a brilliant rhetorician.
a brilliant rhetorician. He was also able to listen with great intensity. The
made him so likeable (here at the age of 94, in conversation with Stanislav “Standa” Prochàzka, at the International…

Book review “The Malt Queen
by Heike Bauer-Banzhaf
The company of our fourth newsletter sponsor Sabine Weyermann is world-famous. With her commissioned book “The Malt Queen” about the eventful history of her family, she now also offers a very private insight into the world of the “Weyerleute” – the world of the “Weyermänninnen” – which is strongly influenced by women…
Of all the drinks in the world, none is as widespread in all countries and on all continents as beer. In the course of thousands of years, beer – probably the…