BierConvent International in Vienna: Reforms heralded

BierConvent International in Wien: Reformen eingeläutet

The President of BierConvent International Pia Kollmar (2nd row, 3rd from right), Vice-President and Treasurer Prof. Dr. Georg Bouché (2nd row, 4th from right) and Executive Committee member Hans Gmachl (top row, 6th from left) were delighted that so many participants responded to the BCI’s call to attend the 104th Friendship Meeting in Vienna.

Becoming more attractive for young beer lovers and potential beer promoters, growing across national borders and networking more closely in politics and business – these were the resolutions passed by BierConvent International (BCI) at its 104th International Friendship Meeting in Vienna.

The supporting program of the BCI trip to the Austrian metropolis on the Danube spanned from 12 to 15 May and, in addition to the serious matters of the association’s work, offered plenty of room for enjoyment in dignified conviviality. Around 40 representatives (notables) of the state chapters from Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and the USA came to Vienna.They all represent a wide range of industries and interests relating to beer as a cultural asset and most of them have been connected to each other through long-standing friendships since the association was founded in 1969.

One morning of the friendship meeting was reserved for the general assembly, but there was plenty of time before and after to visit the beauties of Vienna in the glorious spring weather. For example, a city tour on a historic streetcar was on the program and various Vienna adventure tours were on offer.Of course, the Austrian beer pope Conrad Seidl was not to be missed at a beer dinner in a craft beer brewery, where he was delighted by such a knowledgeable audience of beer connoisseurs and great beer lovers in good company. The notables and their accompanying guests were also treated to a fine Heurigen snack with Schrammel music at the Salzburger Benediktiner Stift Sankt Peter winery.
After a stroll through the Princely Art Collection, the festive reception in the concert hall of the Liechtenstein City Palace was the grand finale of the 104th International Friendship Meeting. At this gala evening, the BCI was finally able to formally “enthrone” six new members after many years.

In her speech, BCI President Pia Kollmar called on the notables not to lose sight of the need for generational change within their own ranks. After all, the main question was how to succeed in transforming not only the BierConvent, but above all the millennia-old cultural asset of beer into a new era and what contribution the BCI could make to this worldwide.

Pia Kollmar encouraged the association to grow significantly both nationally and internationally, to network intensively and, above all, to become more attractive to younger people. Young entrepreneurs in particular, regardless of their industry, could make use of the association’s extensive network of contacts and engage in international networking – united by a passion for beer.
Founded in 1969, BierConvent International (BCI) sees itself as a worldwide beer fraternity with the non-profit purpose of promoting social awareness and thus popular education about the 7,000-year-old cultural beverage beer through research, cultivation and education. The more than 100 members of this brotherhood from various countries call themselves Notables. They are committed to mutual respect and assistance.