BCI Annual Plan 2023
Information about the annual plan 2023 of the chapter Baden-Württemberg
With the annual plan I would like to offer the notable friends and interested parties of the BCI two possibilities, on the one hand the reliability of regular meetings and the plannability of the dates. Before the pandemic, there was a regular “Stammtisch” always on the second Tuesday of the month, alternately at members of the BCI. This also had its charm. Nevertheless, the national consul had to book a table in an appropriate restaurant and inform and remind the members.
My approach is to start annual planning for the coming year in the fall and create a colorful mix of regulars’ tables to exchange ideas with each other and about the BCI, as well as great events around beer and our members. Example: our start of the year in mid-January at the home of a young, up-and-coming beer sommelière who started her own business last fall with a special store concept combined with tasting events. This will be followed in February by a “classic regulars’ table” at the Gasthaus Rössle in the Pflugfelden district of Ludwigsburg, where the friendship meeting in Florence and the General Assembly will certainly be a topic. My personal highlights for 2023 – besides the 4-day friendship meeting in May – are the joint visit to the Spring Festival on Sunday, April 23, and the “Day Trip to the Swabian Alb” on Saturday, July 15. This excursion is designed for young and old and the socializing with good food and enchanted places is in the foreground. Since this is the first time the “BCI Annual Plan” has existed in this form, it is important for me to take the experience gained into consideration for the next plan. All chapter members of Ba-Wüs can contribute to the annual plan. Thus, on the recommendation of our members, we have also planned events in Stuttgart as well as in the greater Heilbronn area! It is important for me to emphasize again that everybody is welcome at our meetings, people interested in our BCI as well as notables from other chapters.
With best regards and pleasure to see you personally at one of our meetings Your Christian Köhle | Landeskonsul Baden-Württemberg